There's Always A Horizon Calling by D. Wayne Montgomery ISBN 978-0-692-91435-9, 103 pages, $10.95 + $3.00 P&H. This book tells of the author's many avenues of expression of talents and abilities. Life stories are told along with what he learned from each of them, the successes and the failures. The opportunity to see them as ministry is set forth. If you could assist people in growth and development in the realizing their potential, that was ministry!

To order send check or money order to: Wayne Montgomery

2308 Village Lane

Salina, KS 6740.


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About the Book
About the Author

About the book

There's Always A Horizon Calling, by D. Wayne Montgomery, 203 pages, ISBN 978-0-692-91435-9 $10.95, plus $3.00 S&H. The life stories of a youth who would rather be truant than in school to one who became an accomplished minister. Also, there were other horizons of his life, none of them would be denied as they appeared rather readily. He states the statement of conclusion is "This is the Jesus that knew me; It is the Jesus I now know." The reader might be amazed of all the roads traveled in pursuit of a horizon. Order from Wayne Montgomery, 2308 Village Lane, Salina, KS 67401. Check or money orders are accepted. If you have questions email [email protected]

Sample of the Work:

Zach Eswine, Preaching to a Post-Everything World, has urged ministers to "reawaken to their own testimony." A recovery of life's testimony as to who we were, where we have been and now come, assists us in learning how to love. This story tells of, or recognizes, blemishes and all. It is a narrative of a carefree life sometimes on the edge of catastrophe. This book is the stage on which it was all played out.

Author's Comment:

There was always a horizon calling me, always forward. The Jesus of the Gospels was like that, always walking toward horizons throughout Judea, Samaria and Galilee. Even when he knew the outcome "He steadfastly set his face to Jerusalem."


About the Author

Wayne has been engaged in many professions. Opportunities were many, and he took them all on. They are all part of this story. He received his BA from Friends University, Wichita, KS and the Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. The Doctor of Theology was awarded from the Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO. He was contributor/editor to Healing and Holiness, John Knox Press, a work that was tagged as a pioneering work. Articles gathered from the Journal of American Medical Society (JAMA)provided the basis of this work.

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