Dreaming with the Voyagers A Collection of Writing by Thurgood Marshall Middle School Students, edited by Susanna Lang, 77 pg perfect bound, $7.95 + $1.00 P&H. Selina Rivera, one of the middle school students whose work is represented in this collection, wrote on the back cover of the book: “This book is filled with writing by the Voyagers’ team of seventh graders from Thurgood Marshall Middle School in Chicago. We have worked really hard to try to finish our poems and stories. We have been writing day and night, day after day after day. We like our ideas and we hope that after we leave this school, we will continue to write our pieces and become famous writers one day.” To order send check or money order to Thurgood Marshall Middle School, ATTN: Susanna Lang,  3900 N. Lawndale, Chicago, IL 60618. E-mail: [email protected]

Dreaming with the Voyagers

About the Editor/Teacher

Susanna Lang has been teaching in Chicago schools for twenty years and writing since she was a child. Her students have learned that they each have a story to tell, and the voice to tell it. These voices bring us the world we all live in but from a different perspective, a perspective we need to understand in order to invite our children into the broader community.

Sample of Work

       End of the World

 by Jason Mocodeanu
Everyone is crazy
people shooting at other people
people setting stores on fire
people taking and destroying things
that don’t belong to them.

I look out my window and see
clouds of smoke
flashes of light, loud bangs.
People dying.

I walk in my room
I see my mom put the zigzag sheets on.
I jump on my bed and just think about tomorrow.
I try to sleep
but I can’t.

Outside sounds like firecrackers,
wood popping, guns firing, heavy explosions.
So I sing a song until I fall asleep.
(There’s another place I can go to
another life God can give me
another place I can start all over.)

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